Rhythm is all around us and pervades our every experience every moment. From the rhythm of the music we hear to the regularity of our busy schedules, from the cycles of the moon and stars to the beat of our heart and breath, rhythm is everywhere. It could easily be argued that without it, we would cease to exist. Really, try to imagine living in a world without it…

Aligning our personal rhythm with that which surrounds us can be a most liberating experience. It can bring feelings of personal empowerment and freedom while intimately connecting us to everything we interact with. This is often referred to as “being in the flow” – when everything just seems to work. Many of us experience this on brief occasions, but wouldn’t it be great to be in that state all the time?

Drums have been used in cultures the world over throughout history to create this kind of alignment. From sacred rituals to personal meditation, from playing on stage to letting loose in a drum circle or on the dance floor, it’s all an effort to align with surrounding rhythm – because that’s when everything feels right and we feel most connected.